Package-level declarations
It models the Digital Twin Knowledge graph of a Digital Twin, identified by its dtUri, in an abstract way. Its objective is to serve as the base to represent semantic data, in particular its tripleList, about a Digital Twin and not to be a generic implementation of a Knowledge Graph. Its main usage will be as a DTO to be converted in different KG models of different libraries.
It models the concept of RDF Blank Node in the context of Digital Twin Knowledge Graph. A Blank Node has a blankNodeId and it has an associated tripleList.
It represents an RdfClass, identified by its uri.
It represents an RdfIndividual, identified by its uri.
This class represents a triple without a subject. It is useful when we want to define the triplePredicate and the tripleObject for an external defined subject.
It represents an RdfProperty, identified by its uri.
It models an RDF resource in the context of a Digital Twin Knowledge Graph.
It represents an RDF Resource that has a uri, e.g., class, property, individual, and so on.