Interface PlatformManagementInterface

All Superinterfaces:
PlatformManagementInterfaceNotifier, PlatformManagementInterfaceReader

public interface PlatformManagementInterface extends PlatformManagementInterfaceReader, PlatformManagementInterfaceNotifier
This interface represent the PlatformManagementInterface component in the Abstract Architecture.
  • Method Details

    • registerToPlatform

      boolean registerToPlatform(URI platformUrl, String currentDtd)
      This method allows the component to send the registration request to the passed WoDT Digital Twins Platform.
      platformUrl - the platformUrl to which register
      currentDtd - the current Digital Twin Descriptor
      true if correctly registered, false instead
    • signalDigitalTwinDeletion

      void signalDigitalTwinDeletion()
      Signal to the Platform Management Interface the deletion of the managed Digital Twin. This will result in the deletion notification to be sent to all the WoDT Digital Twins Platform to which it is registered.