Package-level declarations
Internal representation of an Azure Digital Twin relationship, as returned by the Azure SDK. The important aspects are:
Internal representation of the current state of an Azure Digital Twin, as returned by the Azure SDK. The important aspects are:
Module that wraps the DTDL model presentation for this adapter.
It models the Digital Twins event type.
It models a relationship returned in the event from SignalR. Each relationship has a sourceId associated with a targetId by a relationshipName. This adapter additionally extends support to external relationships.
It models the event received from Azure SignalR. It contains:
It extracts the DTKnowledgeGraph from a AzureDigitalTwinState of a dtUri, following its dtSemantics.
It extracts the DTKnowledgeGraph from a SignalRDigitalTwinUpdate of a dtUri, following its dtSemantics.
It converts a SignalRDigitalTwinUpdate to a ShadowingEvent. The ShadowingEvent is built based on the provided dtUri and dtSemantics.