Azure Digital Twin State
data class AzureDigitalTwinState(val dtId: String, val properties: Map<String, JsonPrimitive> = mapOf(), val relationships: List<AzureDigitalTwinRelationship> = listOf())
Internal representation of the current state of an Azure Digital Twin, as returned by the Azure SDK. The important aspects are:
It is separated from SignalRDigitalTwinUpdate in order to enable independent evolution.
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constructor(dtId: String, properties: Map<String, JsonPrimitive> = mapOf(), relationships: List<AzureDigitalTwinRelationship> = listOf())
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fun AzureDigitalTwinState.extractDTKnowledgeGraph(dtUri: DTUri, dtSemantics: DigitalTwinSemantics): DTKnowledgeGraph
It extracts the DTKnowledgeGraph from a AzureDigitalTwinState of a dtUri, following its dtSemantics.