All Classes and Interfaces

This interface models the entire semantics of the Digital Twin useful to create the HWoDT Uniform Interface.
This interface models the DTD Manager component of the Abstract Architecture.
Reader part of the DTDManager component of the Abstract Architecture -- for ISP.
This interface models the DTKGEngine component of the Abstract Architecture in a compatible way with the WLDT Framework.
Reader part of the DTKGEngine component of the Abstract Architecture -- for ISP.
Interface to model the observers of the evolution of the Digital Twin Knowledge Graph.
Value object that implement the version of the DT, following the semantic versioning rationale.
This interface represent the PlatformManagementInterface component in the Abstract Architecture.
This interface represents the Platform Management Interface controller for the exposed APIs.
This interface models the notifier part of the Platform Management Interface that get notified when a Platform has added the DT to its ecosystem.
This interface represent the reader part of the PlatformManagementInterface component of the Abstract Architecture.
Presenter class to be able to deserialize platform registration data from the API.
It models the concept of RDF Blank Node in the context of Digital Twin Knowledge Graph.
It represents an RDF class.
It represents an RDF Individual.
It models the concept of RDF Literal.
It models the concept of RDF node in the context of a Digital Twin Knowledge Graph.
It represents an RDF Property.
It models an RDF resource in the context of a Digital Twin Knowledge Graph.
This class represent a triple without the subject.
It represents an RDF Resource that has a URI, e.g., class, property, individual, and so on.
Class that wraps utilities for URIs.
Interface for base controllers of WoDTWebServer.
This class represents the WLDT Framework Digital Adapter that allows to implement the WoDT Digital Twin layer implementing the components of the Abstract Architecture.
Configuration for the WoDTDigitalAdapter.
This interface represent the WoDT Digital Twins Interface controller.
This enum contains the needed elements of the WoDT vocabulary.
This interface models the WoDT Web Server that allow to use the WoDT Digital Twin Interface component.
This class provide an implementation of the DTDManager using a WoT Thing Description to implement the Digital Twin Description.